RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 255 Creating A New Kind Of Technology Part 2

"Papa! What are you doing?" Destiny ran over. She had now blossomed into a beautiful young girl. She happily jumped up on Blake and hugged him tightly. She was followed by Hope, who was like her elder sister\'s tail. While Destiny now looked almost thirteen years old, and Hope looked almost six years old, they were both the same age.

"I am trying to work on a new system of moving information between a central point. Where are your sisters? Why did they not come?" Blake asked when he only saw Hope and Destiny. He picked Destiny up and sat both girls down on his knee.

"Joy and the others are stuck with Mama Lillia, they did not pass their test, and she found that using you as a means of motivation works best. So unless they pass the test, they can\'t  come see you." Destiny replied with a big grin. "But Hope and I both passed, so we won!"

"Don\'t be so proud, Elder Sister Destiny! Elder Sister Hope got a better score than you!" Joy came running over, her dragonic features on full display. She looked about eight years old even though she was only about three years old now. "Plus do not put me in the same spot as those other dumb dumbs!"

"Joy, don\'t call your sisters dumb. It\'s not nice." Blake scolded, causing Joy to immediately lower her head and tears to begin forming in her eyes. The only time she or any of her sisters would cry would be if they were scolded by their Papa or told they could not see him for one reason or another.

Blake sighed as he saw her about to cry and pulled her over to him, and gave her a hug. "I  am not mad, but you have to not say mean things about your sisters. They will feel bad, and they might cry because of it. You do not want them to cry, right?"

"No...." Joy shook her head. She did not wish to hurt her sister\'s feelings.

"Good." Blake smiled and kissed the top of her head before pulling her up and setting her down in between her sisters.

"So Papa, what are you doing?" Destiny asked once more.

"I have been working on a way to transfer information between two sources using mana, but I am afraid I can\'t figure out how to extend the link between sources using mana as it will just end up getting absorbed, resulting in no transmission or loss of data. If I can just figure this point out, I can actually use this system to make my golems smarter."  Blake explained. He did not expect his daughters to understand what he was saying, but he just wanted to complain to someone other than air.

"Hmmm... Papa, what about doing what Uncle Bret does with his radio when he talks with people?" Destiny suggested. While it might just seem like a silly child\'s suggestion, but to Blake, it was a big mind blowing fix to his problem!

"Destiny, you might just be a genius!" Blake kissed her cheek as he looked over his math, but of course, since Destiny got a kiss, his other daughters also wanted kisses. So he had to give them one as well.

Not long later, a train of girls came running into the room, calling for their Papa. Blake, who wanted to get started on trying to see if Destiny\'s idea would work with mana, had no choice but to stop what he was doing and begin playing with them. He could never ignore his baby girls.

He became all kinds of different vehicles as the girls took turns riding on his back, and Blake crawled around the floor. The only one who got to ride the entire time was Fate, who was using his head as a seat and hugging his horns. The little fairy daughter of his was a little prankster who was always being chased around by her sisters. She was the spitting image of her mother but had a tail and wings like her father. For a fairy, she was definitely an odd one out. But everyone in her family showered her with love, and so did the others from the fairy race who called her Princess Fate.

Blake\'s lab had turned into a place house as the sounds of his daughters\' excited and happy voices filled the air. Blake decided to put off all work for the day and played with them until dinner, and then that night all his girls curled up next to him as much as possible and fell asleep at their Papa\'s side. As Blake slept, his wives were all taking pictures of him and the girls so they could put them in the album.

"He really loves his daughters," Tina said with a smile.

"I do worry about their blood intake, though. Currently, they eat both normal foods, but soon, they will need more blood than normal food. Not to mention once they hit puberty...." Lillia had all kinds of worries for her daughters.

"Can\'t we just put a seal on that emotion until they are of age?" Josline asked. She was very worried about this as well.

"It should be possible. Luckily we have time to figure this out. But Joy will soon be of age as she is a dragonic.... If we can solve this issue soon, we will need to put her to sleep for a while." Lillia hated this thought, but as most of their daughters were part drakani, they would also gain the drakani trait. Only Destiny and Hope had escaped having to deal with this, but they also did not gain the extra strength that came with it.

"Let\'s put our minds together and see if we can get any volunteers to help study this," Noa suggested.

"I agree with Sister Noa. We should work together and try to figure out a way to temporarily ward off those kinds of urges....." Mina nodded her head when an idea came to mind. "What about using goblins? They are always in a state of lustfulness."

"Good idea! If we can suppress their lust temporarily, then the girls would be much easier!" Tina nodded her head, agreeing to this. She did not want the girls to suffer, but this was all for the best.

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