Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 43 - Vile Plant

From this enlightening conversation, Ji Yao felt like he had been slapped across the face. The slap was so hard that he felt his head throbbing from all the pain. This was a side effect of having being stuffed with too much information at the same time.

Firstly, he found out that his issues that he thought were temporary actually weren\'t. They were embedded in his DNA which meant for the rest of his life he would be averse to anyone who tried to get close. This wasn\'t necessarily a major problem because he hadn\'t thought far ahead in the future.

Secondly, he had found out that the one person he could actually have any sort of physical contact with was Rui Fei and the likelihood of him finding someone else he could have this sort of interaction with was next to zero.

Thirdly, that person was a boy and his junior at the end of the day. He knew any sort of friendship between them would be very difficult based on their difference in personalities let alone a romantic relationship. Ji Yao laughed at himself making Qilin Hao a little worried.

She knew it wasn\'t entirely impossible for Ji Yao to find another person he was compatible with but the possibility of that happening was slim especially in this world. His chances might be higher if he was in Niuq but she didn\'t want him to have anything to do with that place.

The pair of mother and son stared at each other each with their own thoughts. What they didn\'t know was that outside the entrance of the cave Rui Fei was camping there waiting for Ji Yao. Okay, camping might be excessive so let\'s say he was casually passing by hoping to catch a glimpse of Ji Yao.

Only the heavens know how restless he was not having seen Ji Yao for a full day. The way he was restless you would think they had been living together for ten years and had an inseparable bond. He directly wanted to enter that cave but Ji Wen had strongly advised against it.

Reasons like a high probability of getting lost or backlash were mentioned which managed to prevent Rui Fei from walking in. But the pros started overweighing the cons the longer he stood outside.

The cave entrance was at the highest peak of the island surrounded by a thick dark forest that gave off creepy vibes but he wasn\'t fazed. From where he stood he could see the vast blue sea, the yellow sandy beach and people busing themselves offloading Red Bane at the pier.

Since no one would notice if he takes a small step inside the cave he decided to go in. Checking the coast he took one stride inside testing the waters. He stood there for a second but nothing bad happened, no tsunami or hurricane, so he took another step.

This is when he saw a dusty sign with a written warning on the cave wall. He walked over to it and wiped away the thick layer of dust revealing the words \'Don\'t go past this point\' in red. A normal human being would probably stop and say, "mhm..... I should probably go back because they wouldn\'t put up that sign if there was nothing, right?"

But Rui Fei was neither normal nor a human so he ignored it only to be met by another sign that said,  "seriously, are you an idiot? Go back." From the tone and handwriting, he could tell these signs were definitely written by Ji Wen because he really couldn\'t see Ji Yao writing this.

Well, since he was an idiot he kept walking. As the intensity of sunlight in the cave began to diminish he saw another sign. It said that beyond this point it would be the point of no return and below was the word \'good luck\'.

Rui Fei, "....."

Thus the idiot according to Ji Wen\'s standards carried on without a second thought. If Ji Yao could explore this place then why couldn\'t he? He had heard that not even Ji Wen dared enter this place.

That\'s because when he tried to get the eight-year-old Ji Yao who had accidentally stumbled into this cave he found himself stuck in a complex array. He only managed to get out when Ji Yao found him and led him out of the cave by hand. Let\'s just say when Mama Ji (Qilin Hao) fortified this place it was meant for her baby only.

What Rui Fei didn\'t know was that his fate was far worse than that of Ji Wen. He didn\'t even take more than five steps after the last warning sign when he was met by a barrier that sent him flying out of that cave like he was shot out of a cannon.

His exact trajectory? A thick brush of peculiar purple thorny vines with closed red flowers. These vines were not native to earth but something that migrated from Niuq and took root on this island. The vines were as vicious as their land of origin.

Not only did Rui Fei have multiple lacerations he was also attacked by the red flowers that slowly unfolded their petals as they turned in his direction before spraying him with their pollen.

Rui Fei who had been caught off guard didn\'t have enough time to engage his aether before he was attacked. It stung so much that he couldn\'t help but cuss.

One might be curious why the treatment was different? It was because the Qilin and Huishe were natural enemies and Qilin Hao set up a defence system that if any of the Huishe clan ever decided to be willful they would be served with a can of ass-whooping. Maybe in this case we should say they would be served with an ass full of thorns.

"Shit," swore Rui Fei as he finally engaged his aether and attacked the big red flowers that were coming for a seconds round. It\'s a good thing he was manipulating his seraphic energy signature otherwise Ji Yao would have recognized his presence.

Standing in front of the screeching vines he looked down at his torn black robe with gold threads and felt upset. This was his favourite robe and he had especially worn it to come to see Ji Yao but now it was ruined.

He thought Ji Yao was upset with him because he went too far the other night so he especially dressed up to apologize to his older brother. Knowing Ji Yao\'s appreciation of clean and neatly dressed people according to the handbook he put a whole lot of effort only for it to be ruined by a stupid plant.

He could no longer see Ji Yao when he had blood seeping through the torn parts of his robe, thorns sticking out his ass, dishevelled hair with leaves and a face covered in yellow stinging pollen. His eyes glimmered a dangerous light as grey runes emerged from his body causing the plant to shudder.

In conclusion, Rui Fei put that vile plant in its place but he had to go back down the hill as he couldn\'t see Ji Yao like this.. God forbid he does otherwise Rui Fei would be banned from Ji Yao\'s room for heaven knows how long.

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