QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 104 Who Let The Zombies Out 11

Du Jian looked back and instead of the pure rage he expected to find on his brother\'s face, Du Ling was looking at them with a mocking smirk. He felt foolish for some reason and he cursed at Du Ling in his mind.

"Mmhn... Ri..ght.. Ther-" Lu Ming arched his back against the desk, meeting Du Jian\'s thrust when the man suddenly pulled out of him, he was confused. "Brother Jian, why did you-" He raised his head and found He Yuan watching them.

"AAHH!" Lu Ming exclaimed as he scrambled off the desk and tried to gather his clothes.

He Yuan rolled his eyes. "No need to be flustered. You\'re nothing special. I\'m pretty sure if you walk around this base naked, no one would look twice."

Lu Ming frowned at He Yuan as he struggled to pull on his clothes and Du Jian narrowed his eyes at He Yuan before saying, "You\'ve changed."

He Yuan\'s raised a brow. Out of a hundred different issues, Du Jian\'s problem was the fact that \'Du Ling\' wasn\'t angered by seeing him and Lu Ming sleep with each other?

He Yuan was beyond perplexed but he only shook his head and said, "When your twin and lover decide to gang up against you with some self righteous excuse, you don\'t stay the same."

Du Jian eyed He Yuan for a while. When they\'d ran into the zombie horde months ago, leaving Du Ling behind was a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

First, he got to get rid of this brother of his that was more like a stain to his reputation. How could he, Du Jian, a proclaimed genius, have such a person that was so subpar as a twin? It was so absurd.

Secondly, he got to keep Lu Ming. Not a lot of things were able to catch his interest but when something actually did, it had to belong to him somehow. It was equally absurd that the person he dismissed as subpar had his hands on something he wanted.

He hated it.

Anyways, Du Ling had always been quite easy to manipulate, so Du Jian crossed his arms over his chest and said, "You were not set up Du Ling. We were in the middle of a tough situation and had to make a sacrifice."

He Yuan laughed at the absurdity of Du Jian\'s words. Where on earth did Du Jian\'s self entitlement come from? And why did he remotely think that his half assed words were enough to convince Du Ling?

Just how gullible did he perceive Du Ling to be? He Yuan shook his head and slowly asked, "Why did I have to be the sacrifice?"

Du Jian shrugged. "It\'s simple really. Lu Ming and I are the only ones left from the GHGD research facility. We had to live to ensure the survival of the human race."

A fully dressed Lu Ming stepped forward and sighed at He Yuan sadly. "Du Ling. We dated for three years. Three whole years, do you think that meant nothing to me?!"

-It tore my heart out to leave you! But there was nothing we could do because you wouldn\'t have gotten to the car in time. We would\'ve all died and then how would we have been able to undo the mess that the facility created?

-I wanted nothing more than to get down from that vehicle and get to you but then, if I did, what would happen to the rest of the humans who need us? How would the survival of the human race be guaranteed?"

He Yuan chuckled. If not that he was aware of the full story, he would\'ve been compelled to believe this faker. Lu Ming was really an expert manipulator. He locked eyes with the clown and then calmly stated, "I\'m aware that there were guns in that vehicle."

Lu Ming choked on literal air and Du Jian\'s eyes widened slightly. The both of them exchanged a quick glance with Lu Ming secretly asking Du Jian for help out of this awkward situation but Du Jian ignored him.

Du Jian finally smirked at He Yuan and tugged on his lab coat before walking over to his office chair. "Since you\'re aware that I had left you out there deliberately, you should know what I\'m capable of."

At this point, there was no use hiding anything, he was going to kill Du Ling anyways. So with that, Du Jian began sending waves of energy to He Yuan\'s mind.

"The only reason you\'ve been kept alive till this moment was because I had a lot of eyes on me and a reputation to uphold." The pressure gradually increased. "You will keep shut about that incidence and on your next scavenge mission... You would offer up yourself to the first available zombie."

He Yuan felt the energy from Du Jian probing in his mind and he chuckled. This was the reason why a lot of people who had offended him or Lu Ming either mysteriously disappeared or turned into zombies.

Du Jian had used hypnosis on them. It was one of the perks of having a psychic ability. A person who was naturally manipulative being paired with such an ability was a walking societal hazard.

He Yuan might be able to compel zombies but hypnosis was a different level because this was something that needed fully sane humans to practice on. He Yuan didn\'t dare think of what kinds of experiments went on in Du Jian\'s lab.

Du Jian watched as his twin brother stood frozen and a thrill of pleasure rushed through him. He enjoyed the feeling of making others obey his every command. It felt great to have absolute control over a person\'s mind.

He Yuan\'s head began to ache but he held on and waited patiently. The deeper you tried to pry into another person\'s mind, the more of yours you would have to leave unguarded.

Du Jian might have practised with his experiments but He Yuan was able to handle more burden on his mind because he had practised on compelling multiple zombies at the same time.

Once Du Jian got completely immersed in trying to hypnotize him, He Yuan finally struck back. He released the full brunt of his energy at Du Jian\'s mind at once.

Lu Ming was watching intently as Du Jian tried to hypnotize Du Ling. This wasn\'t the first time seeing this but he still could not get over the thrill it gave him to see his man so capable of lording over the every thought of others.

It made his insides flutter seeing his man in control. This was a quality Du Ling never had. Du Ling was always the easygoing one, ready to mediate between people with a sickening smile. He began to wonder how he\'d managed to stay with the spineless fool for three years.

Lu Ming\'s eyes roamed He Yuan\'s body and he remembered why. It was a shame Du Ling had to go like this. He might have been spineless but he had other enjoyable qualities. Too bad there was no other option.

They had to keep their flawless standing in this base. Lu Ming was about to walk over to the chair when Du Jian\'s head suddenly snapped back and he started bleeding through his nose.

Lu Ming\'s eyes widened and he rushed over to Du Jian. "Brother Jian!" Du Jian was bleeding profusely so he looked over to He Yuan, he had no idea what was happening but he knew it had something to do with He Yuan. "What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill him?!"

He Yuan felt thoroughly disgusted at Lu Ming\'s hypocrisy. So it was okay for Du Jian to try to kill him but it was wrong for him to strike back?

When Lu Ming activated his ability and formed two sharp shards of ice, ready to attack him, He Yuan also sent a wave of energy to Lu Ming\'s mind, causing him to end up in the same state as Du Jian.

As much as He Yuan wanted to completely blow up their brains, he knew he couldn\'t. One, the entire base would be on his heels in seconds and two, Du Jian\'s luck was not drained yet.

So if something happened to him, there was a possibility that the realm might enter a state of infinite loop.

He Yuan released the pressure from their minds and watched as they both crumbled to the ground. "Now that the both of you are done making complete fools out of yourselves, I would take my leave." And then he was gone.

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