My Pet Is a Holy Maiden

Chapter 114

Normally after a clatter swirls, silence suddenly descends.

The one who opened the door in a grand manner and entered the store was an unfamiliarly clothed woman.

From her neutral looks, a certain group of magic beast hunters were lost as to whether that person was a girl or boy, but it seems they were able to determine that she was a woman from the small amount of puffing on her chest and her long hair.

But, at that point the store was still enveloped with silence.

An unfamiliar-looking woman in unfamiliar-looking clothes. It was of course a rare existence, but it was not something that drawed great caution. Many various people visit this store. People that wish to exterminate monsters, and people that wish for monster exterminators. Within those are the true travelers who use this place as a one-night inn.

As it is that kind of place, people often see others with unfamiliar clothing.

Originally, the clothes she’s wearing were splendidly tailored and in great condition, causing those who looked to open their eyes wide.

But, when those following that woman entered the shop, the lively clattering continuing up until then in an instant became silent.

The clothes that often used gold and silver threads of an old man. Just by looking at it, anyone could understand that he was a high-ranking priest.

And furthermore that priest-clothed old man was the most prominent celebrity in this city.

“I, Is that......the Savaiv Religious Association’s Highest Priest-sama.......?”

“Yeah......There’s no doubt about it. I’ve seen him in divine service before......”

“T, That’s right? Why would the Savaiv Religious Association’s Highest Priest-sama come to this bar.....”

The silence immediately vanished.

And, the magic beast hunters in the bar bagan exchanging in unison their guesses.

At the spectacle that was so predictable, as Tatsumi entered the store after Giuseppe he held his head in his hands.

Within the shop, there was also naturally magic beast hunters that he knew. They faced their gazes toward Tatsumi, seeming that they wanted to say something.

In those people, there was some people that got up from their seats with a rattle and got closer toward Tatsumi.

“He, Hey Tatsumi! What exactly is this!?”

“For the Highest Priest-sama to come all the way here on his feet......d, did some impossible threat on the same level as the dragon happen again......”

Closing in on Tatsumi with pale faces, pulling on his sleeve and then walking back a bit, they —- Jardock and Mil-il inquired him in an inconspicuous voice.

“Ah–, no, not something that big.....more importantly, it’s been a while, Jardock and Mil-il. It doesn’t seem that you guys have been wounded, that’s a relief.”

“Yeah, that’s right. It’s been lively for us, and thanks to the Pager-chan that Tatsumi-chan had lent us, we were able to earn a lot and carry a lot of materials, woof......That’s not it!! Why is the Highest Priest-sama......”

Jardock and Mil-il glance a bunch of times toward Giuseppe.

Though, I can understand how they feel. If a person like Giusseppe with such a high social status suddenly appeared in a shop like this, anyone would have doubts.

Suddenly, at the small-voiced conversation between Tatsumi and Jardock’s group, there were not a small amount of people that strained their ears to hear.

“It’s really not that big of a matter. How do I say this...... It’s kind of Grandfather-sama’s whim......right?”

In an unjustifiable-seeming expression, Calsedonia lined up next to Tatsumi explains.

“That and....... This time it seems there was a guest’s intentions......”

“A guest? Is that the woman in an unfamiliar outfit?”

In Mil-il’s sight that woman —- Tina is shown.

The Tina in question is now looking around the store, and nodding ‘good, good’ for some reason.

“Yeah, isn’t this a store with a good atmosphere! Yep, the next time I’m visiting this age, I’ll stay here!”

Tina seems to be determining something selfish to herself.

L, who seems to have noticed that the store’s appearance was off, came rushing over busily.

“Ta, Tatsumi-san! Calse-san! Why exactly are you with the Highest Priest-sama, that is......”

L opening her blue pupiled eyes widely, looked at Tina who was in a good mood.

“Th......This person is......Perhaps......”

A pants-type suit and sneaker. That figure is, no matter how you look at it, not a resident of this world.

Facing toward the astonished teary L, Tina smiles and places one hand on her chest, bowing elegantly.

“This is the first time I’ve meet you, Elf woman. I am Tina Abi Zahui. I was born in England, but now you can remember me as a wandering traveler.”

“E, England......!? Then, you really are......”

L’s line of sight turns from Tina to Tatsumi. Answering her gaze with a grim smile, Tatsumi turns to L and opens his mouth.

“I’ll have to explain this detailedly you have a place where we could talk quietly?”

At Tatsumi’s talk, L looks around with a start.

Right now, it’s safe to say that all the attention in the store is concentrated on Tatsumi’s group. Within them, there was nobody who could have come from the Earth and listen to this talk.

“Ye, yeah.....Then, let’s move to an open room.”

L entrusts the store to an employee, and shows Tatsumi’s group the way to one of the open upstairs rooms.

The room that L guided the group to was a room big enough that even when all of them went in, they didn’t get any stifled breathing.

The only thing in the room was a table and a few stools. As there were no beds to be found, it was not a room for accomodation, but a room for some kind of important meeting, so Tatsumi estimated.

As proof, the door on this room was bulky and thick compared to the other rooms. It was likely concern of not letting people’s conversations inside leak outside.

The people in the room were Tatsumi and Calsedonia, as well as Giuseppe, Tina, and L.

And on top of that was Jardock and Mil-il present.

It seemed that Giuseppe was about to say something to Jardock and Mil-il, but it seemed he admitted their presence here as Tatsumi’s friends.

Tatsumi once more felt that it was a perfect chance. He had been thinking of telling Jardock and MIl-il someday that he was from another world from a long time back.

“Then, I’ll be explaining.”

Checking that everyone had sat down, Tatsumi acts as the facilitator and cuts the fuse.

“Tina-san over here....... As she has been saying she is from England......In other words, someone from another world just like me, and......She is the legendary <<Great Sorcerer>> Tiet Zamui herself.”

“Eh......? Wa, wait Tatsumi......? What are you saying......?”

“That’s right, Tatsumi-chan. If we’re talking about the <<Great Sorcerer>>, then wouldn’t she be from about 500 years ago? Elfs aside, there’s no way that people can live for 500 years. And another world......”

Jardock and Tatsumi can’t accept Tatsumi’s words with trouble.

Well, that kind of reaction is obvious. By no means will people normally even think that someone 500 years ago crossed time.

And even if you say that the person’s from another world, they won’t understand and just say ‘Ah I get it’.

Therefore Tatsumi took no offense to their situation, and simply explained the truth.

“I understand that there’s things you two don’t get, but that’s the truth. I come from a different world, and was summoned by Calse.”

Tatsumi then explained the details from up until now to them slowly.

Even Jardock and Mil-il were half in doubt at first, but at his serious expression they at some point they earnestly listened to his story.

“......To be honest, even if you say that Tatsumi comes from another world......I have trouble believing it. But, Tatsumi has no reason to be telling that lie.”

“That’s right. Even if Tatsumi were to trick us over it, nothing would come of it. But, it’s true that I’ve sort of believed it. Sometimes Tatsumi-chan and Wife-san say some weird things, so that was from their other world.”

Mil-il, crossing her arms with a worried face, and Jardock with a satisfied look placing one hand —- his upper left hand —- on his cheek.

Tatsumi was summoned by Calsedonia, and L came in a different way to this world.

Up until then the two couldn’t understand. The secret behind this world’s power called magic. If you use that power, in some cases you can cause things that can be called miracles.

Up until now the two who thought that point their gaze toward Tina who is always smiling.

“......I can believe Tatsumi-chan and Wife-san, but......this legendary <<Great Sorcerer>> is a bit...... you know?”

“Yeah, you of the shade...... Jardock-kun was it? I can understand what you’re saying. If I was suddenly confronted by someone who announced that ‘I am Jesus Christ’, I would doubt their sanity.”

Jardock and Mil-il didn’t know who this person Tina was talking about “Jesus Christ”, but from the way she said it they guessed it was a prominent figure in her and Tatsumi’s world.

“But, I am the very <<Great Sorcerer>> Tiet Zamui! I will now prove this!”

She stood up with a gesture from a drama and quickly lifted her right hand horizontally.

At the same time, from the gauntlet on her right hand came a metallic sound along with the slightly shining vermillion gold chain’s release.

The chains rushing out had already passed through space, appearing behind Mil-il sitting on her stool, and took her body from the stool, entwining it.


Even faster than Mil-il could scream, her figure vanished, appearing around the ceiling.

Still sitting on the stool, Mil-il gazes down dumbfoundedly at Tatsumi and co dangerously from the ceiling without saying anything.

“T, This is......The same as Tatsumi-chan......”

“Exactly! The same <<Instantaneous Transmission>> as Tatsumi! Originally, I was the pioneer though!”

“Ooh, nothing less from the <<Great Sorcerer>>-dono. The use of your magic and its power is even more polished than son-in-law-dono.”

“......He is surely having the magic power more smoothly than me......Not only that, the magic power he used to start is a lot less than mine too?”

Right before Tina had used <<Instantaneous Transmission>>, her body was overturned by the golden light of magic power. But, comparing that to Tatsumi, it was not much at all.

It is proof that Tina’s use of magic power is more efficient than Tatsumi.

“Hmm, so you understand that much at first sight? It seems that your teacher tempered you in the basics well.”

Tatsumi’s guess of the flow of her magic power and consumption was not limited to <Heaven> magic users, and could be understood by any system user.

However, as it is a tempered fundamental for a magic user, he made the best of that ability.

The training given to Tatsumi by Giuseppe had been seen through by Tina.

“......Anyhow, could you let me down soon......?”

Looking down at excited Tatsumi and co. from the ceiling, the slowly wavering Mil-il muttered sadly.

“Do you understand from this that I am the real <<Great Sorcerer>>? Now, praise me without restraint!”

Tina, having released Mil-il, grandly declared so along with an as-always gesture from a drama.

“......But that really surprised me. For the real <<Great Sorcerer>>-sama to cross past time and appear......”

Mil-il who has gotten down from the ceiling easily gazes toward the <<Great Sorcerer>>

Next to her, Jardock made the same expression as Mil-il and looked at Tina.

“But, what business did the <<Great Sorcerer>>-sama have at my store?”

“Of course, to come to meet you, L-kun.”

After being praised by Jardock and Mil-il, Tina is in a really good mood. Within Tina’s eyes laid a serious light.

“From what I’ve heard from Tatsumi, you have a hidden item that has the power to cross worlds that you brought with you to this world? If possible, I would like to see this item?

“T, That short sword......?”

The color of caution floats up on L’s face.

The dagger with the power to cross worlds. It was the start of everything by obtaining it to L.

After getting the dagger, truly a lot had happened.

There were hard and sad times, but above that there was a lot of happy times.

To L, the dagger was a treasure with no replacement. If one said they want to see it suddenly, even if it was the legendary <<Great Sorcerer>> she would naturally be cautious.

Had she guessed what L had thought, since Tina had made another gesture from a drama and elegantly lowered her head.

“Of course, I have no intention of stealing your dagger from you, and I swear so on this Savaiv’s Highest Priest-dono over here. Perhaps even if I broke that promise, you can have the Highest Priest-dono label me as a criminal and search for me.”

“Okay, I understand.”

If Giuseppe, the Savaiv Religious Association’s Highest Priest-sama told the king directly to arrange a search, that would make him the most important criminal in the Largophilli Kingdom.

Surely with <<Instantaneous Transmission>> and <<Time Leap>> it would be hard to capture Tina, but even so for those who know that trick such as Giuseppe and Tatsumi, it’s not completely impossible to capture her.

“......I understand. I will have faith in the <<Great Sorcerer>>-sama and Highest Priest-sama.”

L, smiling nicely, stood up from her stool.

“I will bring the dagger with me shortly, so wait just a bit.”

Saying so, after leaving the room once, L then returned after a bit.

And in her hands, she was holding a one-sided worn-out dagger.

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